Sunday, September 5, 2010

Letting Go

Teacher Ophelius:

Today’s lesson is about letting go of things and relationships that no longer serve you in your life journey or your soul development.  Many times are there people and situations that come into your life to teach you lessons or provide opportunities for further advancement in the growth of the soul. Sometimes these lessons are hard because we often fail to recognize the lesson when it is presented to us, and many times, we ignore the teacher because of our need to satisfy the wants of the ego.  In such case, we are presented again and again, the same hard lesson, perhaps in different forms and varying degrees of intensity, until we recognize the lesson, learn from it, and move on. 

In contrast to this we have lessons that are pleasant, even joyful, and they come as the result of you consecrating your will with the will of the Creator.  These lessons teach us to recognize the application of divine love and how, through faith, we can master the self (the ego) and become a vessel for the Creator’s love, which changes us from the inside and allows us to progress and move forward.  Step by step are we led along the road that leads to eternity, yet all these choices and decisions we make are of our own free will, for when the lesson is finally learned, it becomes a survival value experience registered in the soul to be used and reflected upon as we ascend our psychic circles and move closer to fusion with our Thought Adjuster.

Can we learn to recognize the lessons and the teachers when they cross our path?  Yes, but only when we reach a higher level of awareness through the circuits of wisdom, and wisdom only comes through experience.  Some lessons will be hard and some will be joyful, and it is only by experiencing these intense trials and rewards do we build up a library of reference to compare new experiences with probable outcomes based on previous lessons.  Thus does this provide a greater “toolset” for your guides and guardians to work with so they may help us to put the pieces together to make right decisions.  This is how we build the soul, which determines our place in the next world (the mansion worlds).  The rate at which we progress is determined by our thirst for truth, beauty, and goodness; and by our desire to align our will with God’s will.   It is the journey, my dear friends, which becomes our gift to the Supreme and it can be a beautiful, joyful journey, or it can be a painful one—it is up to us to decided. 

We may not always be able to avoid the painful path, but we can willfully choose the joyful path if we allow ourselves to be the vessels of the Creator’s love and shine God’s light out through us and into the world around us.  This is God’s intention for our life, so we may experience the fullness of being and to enjoy the sublimity of adventure in the playground of His grand universe.


The Circle of Seven


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