Sunday, March 4, 2012

Finding the Path

Teacher Ophelius:

The lesson for today is about sharing the knowledge of spiritual gifts and insight.  Teach others to develop their own unique abilities to connect with the Father's Presence within--to have a personal relationship with spirit, with the Creator, and with beings of light.  As the Master said, "The harvest is plenty, yet the workers are few. Pray that the Father of the harvest will send more workers into the field."  This admonishment is not just for the teachers, but also for the students on the path seeking truth and wisdom.  All can be teachers of the truth you know while you continue to learn greater truths and gather wisdom as you walk the path of light.

Many of you students on the path are waiting for some supernatural event to transform you from the person that you are today to some savant that has a clear mission and spiritual goal.  I tell you to "go and do good now," for only when you walk in the paths of righteousness and light will you find those blessings that only come to those who are seeking to do the Will of the Father.  Spiritual gifts and abilities will come to you as they are needed to fulfill the desire for doing God's Will as you walk in the direction of that calling. 

As you gather your nuggets of truth and wisdom, you may develop greater spiritual insights and awareness and some will experience those supernatural events and occurrences that bring new meaning and dedication to the doing of the Father's Will.  Those gifts are to be shared with the world, my friends, and to those who have, more shall be given if the servant is dedicated to serve selflessly and to teach what he or she knows to others.

We have spoken many times about "doing the Will of God."  The key word here is "doing," for only when we do something can we find an answer, learn a new way, or be given opportunities that lead to love, joy, and spiritual bliss.  The Father hears the sincere desires of those who want to make a difference in the world and to improve the life of others.

Waiting for someone to knock on your door and invite you to the club of enlightened beings will not happen.  You must open the door and seek your own path with faith that you will be given the opportunities you need to succeed at whatever it is you set your mind to--there are no limits to how far you can go and what you may achieve.

What is it that you know that can benefit or bless another person? It may be something you have never considered, yet it may be the very thing needed to start another on the path to eternal life.  How many sincere and intimate conversations do you have with others that speak directly to the soul of that individual?  These, my friends, are the steps along the path that lead to greater spiritual gifts and abilities.  Only when you go and do and give of self for the benefit of others will you truly understand.  Open the door now and find your path.

Peace to you,

The Circle of Seven


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