Teacher Ophelius:
The message for today is about embracing change. What do I mean by this? Each one of you will come to a place where you must “shift” and move from where you are today to where you shall be tomorrow, whether it is a state of awareness, a change in jobs, a new home, a new relationship, or releasing an old relationship that no longer serves you. These are all “chapters” of your life that must be experienced, yet like a book, the chapter must be completed and come to a close, for new life, and new experiences await you in the chapters ahead where you may discover new meanings and new ways to grow in Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. These are all rungs on a ladder, my friends, which you must climb to move from imperfection to perfection as you are guided along your life plan by Spirit.
Many of you students on the path are feeling this “tug” to move, to change, to reinvent your lives and to step out of your comfort zone which you have settled into for so long. It feels as if a new day is dawning and you no longer fit into the old routine and rhythm that you have known for so long. Change is inevitable—it shall come, but how you handle the change will determine the difficulty or ease of the transition—that period where you adjust and make space for the new era of your life. Will you resist it, or will you flow with it? Will you be fearful, or will you have faith that Spirit has your best and highest welfare in mind—helping you to grow and discover greater levels of love and personality maturity?
When you become aware that you are moving into a transition of change, also be aware of the synchronicity that accompanies that change. This is a time for new opportunities and many signs will point the way that will help keep you aligned with your life plan—that ideal life where potentials can be developed for the greatest amount of soul growth for the given abilities and accumulated wisdom gleaned thus far in your life experience. Those with the greatest amount of faith will seize the moment and step into the greatest of opportunities, while those who are more fearful, will let those optimal moments go by and may take a lessor path with more difficulty. These more difficult paths are learning opportunities and there can be much value in them, yet to those who will “go with the flow” and do not resist, but instead embrace it, may find the greatest joy and satisfaction on the other side of the transition.
Please keep in mind, my friends that all will be well in time and eternity and there is nothing for you to fear. God knows what you need even before you ask it, therefore “seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be given, knock and the door will be open to you.” These are not fairytale clichés, but are real “cause and effect” outcomes for those of great faith. Communicate your needs and desires to Spirit and do not impose expectations as to how they will unfold—go with the flow of opportunities and step into the next destination of your life. When you live your life by faith, you shall have no regrets, for God desires that you have a joyful life filled with love and treasured experiences. If it is not that way now, then look forward to the change that is upon you and embrace it!
Peace to you,
The Circle of Seven

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