Teacher Ophelius:
The message for today is of some importance. It has to do with the changing nature of your spiritual receptivity, for many of you students on the path will begin to notice a heightened sense of awareness now and in the coming weeks ahead. This circuitry is being enhanced by Mother Spirit as an aid to those who wish to deepen their spiritual life and to begin collaborating with other kindred spirits—it could be thought of as a kind of “quickening” of sorts and many of you will seek opportunities to gather together in groups to explore your spiritual life with greater passion and dedication. We encourage you to do so as this will lead to many new beginnings and prepare you for a life of service in which you will find greater satisfaction, joy, and purpose in doing the Will of our heavenly Father.
Those who wish to teach, we encourage you to organize your intentions. Those who wish to be healers, we encourage you to seek out those teachers and groups who can assist you in your development. Those who wish to transmit and receive spirit messages—seek out those teachers and resources that can help you expand your capabilities, for many of you have these latent abilities which lay dormant until you awaken them within. Those who simply desire to make room in their lives for a more dedicated spiritual life, we admonish you to seek out those kindred spirits and join groups who are pursuing these things together. Get involved in your communities, my friends, for this is where the true path to higher consciousness leads and where opportunities abound.
This admonishment is a campaign by Spirit to move the spiritual assets of the planet into place where they can be most effective as we plunge deeper into the Correcting Time initiatives. We see this first step of bringing like minds together as a way to “amp-up” the spiritual frequency of human consciousness around the planet—a catalyst for exponential outreach to prepare the soil and strengthen the effectiveness of the “Great Teacher.” This is how it begins, my friends, it starts with each one of you coming together, learning together, and making a difference together as a group, as a community, as a planet that is changing from a destructive path to an enlightened and peaceful path. This idea of “Light and Life” is a real potential that exists and can be brought into reality by taking these first steps. You students on the path are the trail blazers and you are needed to initiate this new world view of peace, quality of life, equality, and growth.
We all think, imagine, and dream of this enlightened era, but time grows short, and we must all roll up our sleeves now and begin the real work that will bring that idea into reality. Spirit is rolling out the carpet for you and shall assist you in all your endeavors to make a positive change in yourselves, your community, and your world. Use the resources at your disposal—your phones, your internet, your newspapers, your social media, to seek out those groups and kindred spirits and communicate! This is the doorway to discovering the vast potentials that live within you. The Indwelling Spirit seeks a path to express the Divine Will through you and this “Quickening” of your awareness is a boost that shall help you find a place where you can make a difference. Fear not—begin today—write it on your calendars and meet with your groups!
Peace to you,
The Circle of Seven

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