Thought Adjuster Transmission:
Dear One, it is I, your beloved Indwelling—I take this occasion to speak to you for the benefit of the many who shall read this message—that they may take these words “to heart,” for they are only words that paint a crude picture of the complete and whole ideas that exist beyond human words and human understanding, yet they penetrate the heart and mind because I, your Father Fragment, interprets its meaning for you according to the limits of your intellect and experience and your desire—your allowance to know according to your free will. You are beginning to understand that to hear me requires you to “listen to the heart,” for this is where I speak—it is your “power zone.”
In this power zone, is the key to all growth and is the wellspring of divine love for which I “step down” into a form for which you can understand. This is the source of all virtues and because it is the key to your growth and progression—your ascension into higher realms, I “stand by you” and attempt to spiritualize your mind as much as you allow, so that you may look deeper into the mystery of this source of divine love, which makes for the ultimate transformation from who your are now to who you shall become in time and in eternity.
The world is a busy place and there are many distractions. This leads to confusion in the heart and mind, for when there is no time to “listen to the heart” the whole system suffers and becomes “starved” for the water of life—the wellspring of divine love. I AM like a teacher who sits with a child and reads from a storybook—reading with a gentle voice and attempting to convey the larger meanings and values of divine love through simple metaphors that you can understand at the age of your spiritual maturity. The more often we “read” together, the more shall you understand and the more can I read you books of greater value with more complex ideas. The goal of this teacher is to prepare you for life—not only this life, but the next life in the higher realms where I can continue this teacher/child relationship with ever greater “ethos” where you may have a greater understanding of the dimensions of this divine love.
This feeling of isolation you are experiencing is to get you into a “room” alone with me where there are no distractions and where I can help you focus on your power zone. Your terrestrial life is filled with transitional activities and you are feeling the limits of your abilities to hold together many relationships and duties while you look ahead to the future at what “could be.” I know the desires of your heart and I AM doing those things that are necessary to guide you into coherence with the Divine Will. There are decisions only you can make that will bring you into the room with me and I am taking this opportunity to guide you to choose the way into your power zone where all possibilities exist in potential.
Come to me now my beloved and I will read to you from the Book of Life and together we shall set a course for the next chapter in your life adventure.

Very inspiring...the posts you give us from Ophelius seem to be getting more and more powerful. Thanks you for sharing.