About This Site

The posts are journal entries translated by the technique called automatic writing. It is a rather antiquated term from an earlier time in history when the medium would use paper and pen to translate the messages of those behind the veil wishing to enlighten us humans. The modern term for this would be called “transmitter/receiver,” or T/R for short, whereby the paper and pencil is replaced by keyboard and computer. The authors are a group of seven ascending mortal teachers who sojourn on the mansion world system--the next phase of human existence--the training worlds of human progression and ascension, for which the Master Spoke, “In my Father’s house there are many mansions, for if it were not so, I would have told you. I go and prepare a place for you.”

My name is Chris, and I have not always been able to translate messages from “beyond,” in fact it is only recently that I decided to write down what I have been “hearing” in my mind from these previously unknown spirits. The function of writing has greatly clarified and identified these manifestations of spirit teaching, whereby before it was only unorganized thought patterns and feelings, but none the less, I knew in my heart that they were real and outside of my own thought emanations.

This ability to “hear” came only after what is known as a spiritual awakening--a second awakening in fact, which followed a born-again Christian experience some twenty years prior, only this time the awakening followed a sincere desire for truth that transcends the human institutions of religious dogma and a realization of the true meaning of the brotherhood of man, and the fatherhood of God.

I was initially contacted by a group of angelic types called “Midwayers,” who are planetary resident semi-spiritual beings half way between angels and men, who serve to awaken us sleeping mortals to our divine destiny and to promote the evolutionary forward progression of human development towards a future state of planetary existence called “Light and Life.”

The calling card of these incredibly wonderful creatures is the 11:11 time prompt. This digital time prompt and other repeating number sequences, for which my attention was so undeniably drawn to, and which defies the laws of statistical probability, was the vehicle which led me to a group of other time prompted individuals from all parts of the planet and coming from various nations, backgrounds, and religions. It was the ministry of George Barnard and the 11:11 Progress Group that led me to the truth and purpose of this phenomena, for which I am ever grateful. From there I was introduced to the teachings of the Urantia Book which really opened my eyes to the foundations of human destiny, the scope and purpose of universe affairs, and the hierarchy of universe government. It was this “tip of the iceberg” understanding of mortal ascension, something that had completely eclipsed orthodox religion, that drove me to dig deeper and deeper into cosmic truths as they were unfolded to me. It seems that the more I searched, the greater the truths were laid out before me like a red carpet leading to the throne of grace itself.

As I began to understand all these revelations and to question the how and why, I heard the reverberations of my inquires come back to me in the form of answers and explanations from a source by which I knew not, but was sure it was from a well of knowledge much deeper than my own. Having been inspired by other seers and T/Rs, I was confident that I could quantify the knowledge and present it in the written form for the benefit of others that would per chance come upon these writings, and in some small way, do my part in the service of the Creator--to illuminate the darkness of ignorance about the destiny of mans eternal nature.

In August of 2008, I finally put my fingers to the keys and was astonished by results--typing as fast as I could to capture the impressions and thought packets that were projected into my consciousness, I realized that by having no premeditated thought or agenda, a series of teachings were being presented to me by a personality distinctly different form my own, although the vocabulary was not in advance of me, the ideas and style were plainly recognizable as the lessons progressed.

For a time, the messages were unsigned, but later on, I was sensing a name on the tip of my tongue, though I couldn’t be sure, until one morning just prior to waking, I was literally presented, letter by letter, on the back of my eyelids, a name for the source of the writings. Upon waking, I nearly forgot the spelling, but I had retained enough of it to sound it out and speak it until I was spiritually satisfied with the sound of it. The name “Ophelius” was given and would be reinforce to me in the subsequent messages. I later learned that my “teacher” was part of a group of seven ascending mortals, a “Circle” as they referred to it, residing in the upper mansion worlds, and was assigned as teachers from the administrators of the current dispensation under the banner of Michael of Nebadon (Christ Michael, the former Jesus of Nazareth and glorified Creator Son,) to enlighten certain individuals or workers of light that can be of service in the transitional period (at present) called the “Correcting Time.” The Midwayers are the facilitators of the circuit which makes communication between teachers on the mansion worlds and mortals of the earth plane possible.

There is an underlying understanding that the messages are part of a training period for later “field work” in which I would be tested and proved. I’m not really sure what the field work will be specifically, but I know it will be in the service of the Master for which I have sworn my loyalty and devotion, to illuminate the ideals of the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God.

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hello Chris! We haven't met, but I hope we soon can. I am a long-time UB person and a book publisher, and I long ago published George Barnard's first book. I was contacted by "11:11 Magazine" for a podcast interview about a book I just published based on Christ Michael/Mother Spirit transmissions which you can find out about here:
    I was surprised to just learn that they want to publish my short essay about the midwayers. The article mentions you and your work as well. (I love the transmissions you bring through.) Please have a look. Hope it's okay that I quote you here!
    Let's be in touch to discuss our common mission!
    Blessings and peace,
    Byron Belitsos byron@originpress.com
